10 Thing Thursday

  1. Totally and completely forgot to write yesterday.  Woke up from a dead sleep at 9 pm and realized it.  Too tired to do anything about it.
  2. Kids last day was today.  They said, ‘See you in 10 days, Hays! Hey that rhymes!’
  3. I ‘get’ to present to adults at 8:30 tomorrow morning.  Ugh.  Not a fan of presenting to adults.
  4. I have 4 closets to clean out over spring break and 4 books to read.  Hmmm….wonder which one will get done?
  5. This time is my favorite weekend of basketball season.
  6. Currently I am counseling a good friend whose son is suffering from skin affliction.  I am an expert rash diagnoser.
  7. Friday suppers for Lent are challenging this year.
  8. Our 3 Kansas basketball teams play tomorrow night at nearly the same time.  I am gunning for all our TV’s to be hauled into the living room so we can see all 3 play.
  9. Even though I don’t like Duke, I picked them as National Champions.
  10. Kansas weather today was crazy.  It was 50 degrees at morning recess but felt like 33 (and it was freaking COLD) and it was 72 degrees at afternoon recess and felt like 78. Welcome to Kansas. #justsayin’

3 thoughts on “10 Thing Thursday

  1. So many things on this list I can relate to! 4 closets, 4 books… maybe reward yourself, 1 closet, 1 book.. you may get at least one closet done… hehe.. Okay March Madness I love! Duke is doing awesome this year, but I don’t like them either. Excited to hear more about what happens on your break!

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